(03-18-2013, 10:38 PM)30CamdenSquare Wrote: Tusk - One thing I'd like to see from Haley's next label, is not allowing people to post STUDIO versions of songs from her new album on youtube. Actually I doubt they could keep people from posting but the label can get them taken down fairly quickly.
Live versions can for all the songs can be up, & of the videos for her singles on Haley's channel, but if the studio versions are up of the entire album, there's less incentive to buy it.
Can it be argued, that her presence on those videos are part of the reason she is still discussed and not a memory? I think the bots that search that stuff out might eliminate live vids too. I suppose once she's signed, that's a possibility. I think it's a larger thing than youtube videos, though.
I don't know, the morals/ethics and laws over intellectual property don't line up with the rapidly advancing technologies, it's almost impossible for the former to keep up with the latter
There's still file sharing, if people want it they can get it. I think Haley's building a foundation that doesn't rely as heavily on the old ways of the music industry.
We've seen that the artist has to sell a hell of a lot of music to be able to justify their advance as well as recoup the Label for the making of the album. So the artist doesn't even make that kind of money from records anyway. It hits the Label more than the artist, in a way.
File sharing and pirating is a reality, like it or not. So she has to diversify and create different streams of income. Song writing Credit, Touring, Marketing, Song Placement and probably Producing, in her future...
I mean she's still a relative unknown, but she's building a base of respectability and quality, that will get her recognised, which would open, should open up more lucrative opportunities.