(01-24-2012, 11:34 PM)cherelann Wrote: I do have to given Steven props, though, for coming to Haley's defense on several ocassions. My favorite quote, not verbatim, "If I agreed with you, Randy, then we'd both be wrong."
Cherelann, I’m aware that Steven rose to Haley’s defense on several occasions, and I do appreciate him doing that. And it was unfair/unkind of me to suggest that he was “sleeping” on the job.
But once his vocabulary was stripped of his more “colorful” language, he seemed to withdraw or shut down, which is a real shame. When I see the clips of the auditions, he seems so engaged. I get the sense that he appreciates and understands all genres of music far better than either Randy or J-Lo demonstrate, and, oddly, I think his ear is probably better than both Randy and J-Lo combined. (I say oddly because it’s possible/probable that he’s developed hearing loss, given the band he was in.)
All of which means he has so much more that he could contribute to the development of these kids -- and he says “that was beautiful – beautiful, man.” It’s kind of sad.