RE: Bombs explode at the Boston Marathon
Tusk, thanks for bringing this up. Whoever did this (and for whatever the "supposed" rationale) obviously knew that there would be a concentration of people in that particular spot at that particular moment, and "planned" accordingly. Indeed, it was an act of cowardice!
So far, the number who died (2) has not changed since I first learned of this several hours ago. The number of injured continues to increase, although I would think that should change soon.
I love Boston! I've only been there twice -- but, frankly, would love to have the opportunity to live there long enough to thoroughly explore it and the rest of New England to my heart's desire. Thus, it hurts me to the core that someone(s) would do this to Patriot's Day/the Boston Marathon. It will now be forever (if only somewhat) tainted and the security measures for the marathon will now be increased to the point that it may be onerous to all involved. The first time I was in Boston coincided with the marathon, and there was just such a great sense of fun and good spirit. (I remember a man and his son who were staying in the same hotel as my group. I saw them several times throughout Saturday and Sunday, always enthused and enjoying everything. Then I remember seeing that same man slide down the elevator wall, wearing the foil "cloak" given to the runners after they've finished the race. He was proud, but exhausted.) I love that city!!
My heart goes out to the family and friends of those who died. And, I wish a good and full recovery to those injured.