I find the
Rolling Stone comments interesting because they use Facebook to sign in. I'm amazed people are willing to put their real name on comments like this:
Quote:Mary Fridley | May 20, 12:23 PM
I knew Haley would be the one to go. This is not a contest for a pole dancer and that is what Haley brought to the stage every time she stepped on it.
When others are making comments like this:
Quote:Eric Buckeye | May 21, 8:06 PM
You may be correct as to the music that is selling now. And that's a shame. But Haley was true to herself as a musical artist and that is exactly what she is. She sang from the heart and her delivery was passionate. And that's what music is all about. She doesn't seem to be the type to sell out to whatever type of music is currently the fad. Her performances were ALWAYS entertaining because you had no idea what she would do with a song. Her performances were always innovative and energetic. Her stage presence was fantastic. Obviously a bit sensual but certainly no where near so as that guest artist or current hip hop music. She has been accused of being arrogant because she sometimes didn't agree with the judges criticisms. I applaud her for that. Especially after they criticized her for chosing unfamiliar songs and subsequently choose a rather obscure song for her. Regardless, I think she earned the respect of true musicians in the industry and will consequently have a successful career and one that will be satisfying to her because she will be true to herself. And I'm guessing that you will be seeing her as a guest vocalist for the likes of musicians like Carlos Santana because any musician would LOVE to be a part of the music that might be produced from such a collaboration.