(05-05-2013, 09:41 AM)mercfan3 Wrote: Interscope signed Jessica. Released a single in March..that was a poor choice for a single. Gave her little promotion besides local stuff and a performance on idol. (A performance that wasn't going to charm the older audience) and now her debut, released a year later, is expected to sell about 20K in it's first week.
Interscope is not responsible for promo outside of radio. With the exception of 360 deals, (which does not include any Idol signed with a major label), all the label does is push singles to radio. They have nothing to do with booking appearances or scheduling tours, that falls on the artist's management and bookings agent respectively. Both Haley and Jessica are signed with 19 Entertainment's management arm, they are the ones who book the Idol appearances, tv/magazine interviews, red carpet appearances, guest appearances on tv shows, ect.
(05-05-2013, 11:56 AM)30CamdenSquare Wrote: The biggest, most obvious, mistake Interscope made in the early promotion of Haley & now Jessica is they should've used the Idol performance AFTER the album comes out NOT to promote a single's release.
If they want to release the single a few weeks or a month before the album comes out to get a little airplay going that's fine, but the Idol performance isn't going to make a great deal of difference when it comes to how much airplay radio stations are going to give that single.
What it does do is reach a HUGE audience, once, that's already familiar w/ them, so if the album is available it always, always results in a huge, very meaningful spike in sales. In reality what it's doing is allowing them to pick up their casual (might not have even voted but liked them) fan. Kind of like an impulse buy. If they would've had Haley &/or Jessica on the show, after the album came out, you're easily talking an additional 10,000 in sales.
Album sales bumps from Idol appearances can be high (eg: James 520% increase of MOABD units after he performed Higher than Heaven on S11), but not always.
Nevertheless it's quite apparent that Idol fans tend to buy albums instead of singles. The exception being the guest stars who perform radio hits. So it makes more sense for alums to promote albums on Idol not singles. Both Scotty and Lauren debuted new singles on Idol this season but it was their old albums that saw an increase in sales. If they had new albums out then those would've gotten a sales bump.