It has all the points of the heroes journey including the companion's sacrifice (Casey's elimination/save when she was still vulnerable to be eliminated)... anyways it was just an exercise to keep conversation going during the slow times.
What is difficult about Determinism is it goes against our idea of self-worth that consciousness affords us, our place in the Galaxy. If I understand correctly, You can replay a moment in time with
all things being equal, there would be no circumstance that would cause one to make a different choice. The Universe is linear, cause and effect. Was it Einstein that said something like "God doesn't play dice"
But then there are the quantum physicists who posit an infinite number of planes of existence, each one 'slightly' different from the next.. implying all things are possible.....
Is there a universe where I bought my own Carnegie ticket, didn't ask Haley-Holic to do it for me, and never got to sit in front of the Reinharts? I feel sorry for that Tusk
The Catholics have it solved by saying that it is true that God has a plan, BUT his gift is the gift of choice/"Free Will". So fated, but not
Do we live in a universe of destiny or chance? or both? Does one supersede the other or are they harmonious, we just don't understand the rules ?