I'm still kicking myself for not having my camera on to record at least the audio of when she performed "Undone" at the private party in LA. Not only was Haley's performance haunting, I think that might have been the second if not the only time Keith played it on keys. (was it him on keyboards @ Americana? I seem to recall it was someone Courtney knew, and not Keith)
When one of the hosts asked "Can you do Undone?", Haley looked over to Keith and asked him if he knew it, could he play it? Keith nodded.
He added some AMAZING piano flourishes to the song, it wasn't just the straightforward playing of it. I think that the fact that he had not played it over and over again (Like Haley's other songs, Free, NTYH etc), but was familiar with it, gave him license to 'freestyle' with it, following the basic melody, but enhancing it.... The guests erupted in applause and cheers when they finished. A sublime version of it especially because Keith got to improvise, somewhat, not being as familiar with it as he is with Haley's other song
As far as Haley's reaction to the request, I never got any hesitation about performing of it, other than she wasn't sure if Keith knew the song. Even though she has voiced her hesitation about it, I'm not all together convinced that she "doesn't like" "Undone" as much as we are making it out to seem. (at least emotionally re: writing about some terrible break up)... I think it's simply that she prefers for her performances to be upbeat, something that's just in her character
(Of course the caveat is her new interpretation of "Free" which has as much heart tugging longing/sadness and emotion, IMO, as Undone, especially compared to the more upbeat original version. Then again, she's only performed that version of "Free" a handfull of times too... Vegas and Okinawa)
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 22 May
@HaleyReinhart @KEiTHPHELPS I wish we had a recording of you two performing "Undone" in LA.The flourishes on the Baby Grand was divine Keith
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