Devious Maids is a new show on Lifetime whose premiere tonight seems to have generated positive buzz.
Quote:Jose Ocampo @JoseLOcampo 30m
@HaleyReinhart do you know that your song #OhMy its playing on #DeviousMaids premiere??? now thats #AMAZING
Quote:Daisy @dizzolove 28m
@HaleyReinhart just heard your song on #lifetime!!! Awesome!!!!
Quote:Lauren Alaina Fan @LAlainaMyIdol 45m
@HaleyReinhart oh my was just on lifetime!!!!
Quote:Alex Del Rey @xelamanrique 47m
@HaleyReinhart OH MY! was on a Lifetime promo!!!
hat tip to PJ for the retweets
Hmm... maybe used in a promo and not the program?
They had an earlier promo that used "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich" by Lady Gaga.
Quote:E Evan Ortiz-Mellark @inthesegenes 1h
: @HaleyReinhart's "Oh My!" is bringing the @LifetimeTv promo to life. Everyone fly to iTunes and download the track. Stat.
Quote:Desiree @DeeDeeSanchez 1h
@HaleyReinhart singing "Oh My!" in the background of a Lifetime promo!
Quote:London @lgwd0317 1h
Lifetime is using @HaleyReinhart song oh my!!!!!!!!!