Quote:James LaRosa @JamesLaRosa
All-new #HitTheFloor Monday w/music by @kendricklamar @bobatl @Akon @NorahJones @TheRealEsthero & @HaleyReinhart 9pm VH1! #eargasms
Quote:James LaRosa @JamesLaRosa 4m
@HaleyReinhart @bobatl You two maaaybe want to check out #HitTheFloor tomorrow. We have a big dance number w/your names allll over it. #OhMy
James LaRosa
Creator/EP of VH1's #HitTheFloor, co-author of THE ACADEMY
Hit The Floor
Hit the Floor, originally titled Bounce, is an American drama television series on VH1 series, created by James LaRosa. The series follows Ahsha, a girl who joins the NBA Cheerleading team the Los Angeles Devil Girls, unaware of the treacherous and tempting world that follows. It debuted on May 27, 2013
So maybe Oh My enters the arena Undone resides?