(02-11-2012, 05:19 PM)john Wrote: Following on the heels of the judging fiasco on AI last year, the debut of X Factor in the USA may end up being the bell-ringer for the top, with respect to AI type shows. And as much as people complain about back stories and the edits, note that AI had a show this week with no singing. I saw Nigel tweeted a defense of this approach in response to critical tweets. It seems that despite the complaints, there will be more emphasis on the back stories, the conflicts (e.g. the whole cowboy story line), and the rest of the drama this year, as opposed to the singing itself. Nigel and company might have concluded that the outrage about the treatment of Haley was good for ratings, so hey, why not bring in more controversy and drama. It will be interesting to see if they eventually jump the shark.
Exactly what was predicted last year on Idoloonies comment board, TPTB will do more manipulation and manufacturing in an attempt to increase ratings...the exact opposite of what fans were asking for, letting things play out on there own without the manipulation. Once people catch on that the fix is in, the show will tank even more.