Reposting from page 1 (and so I can edit if necessary): Please Highlight, Copy and Paste this sheet or reply and fill in the blanks (if applicable) or place an "X" for your answer:
Forum Name: __ Hometown: __
Real Name (if willing to say): _______
Flying into Ohare: Date ___ Time___ Airline ___ Flight # ___
Flying into Midway: Date ___ Time___ Airline ___ Flight # ___
Will you be renting a Car?: YES ___ NO (need pickup) ___
Driving to Wheeling area: Planned arrival: ___ Departure: ___
Cell # can be by Private Message or leave here: ___
Email address can be by Private Message or leave here: ___
Staying __ nights at __
Friday August 30:
1:10 Cubs vs. Phillies game at Wrigley
I plan on attending: YES ___ NO ___
Also coming with me: __ leave blank if no one
preferred price range: $__ to $__
Bubba Gump's dinner @ Navy Pier afterwards: YES ___ NO ___
or Dinner Crui$e on the Lakefront afterwards?: YES ___ NO ___
Navy Pier/Millenium Park stroll in Chicago: YES ___ NO ___
additional comments:
Saturday August 31:
Morning Golf Outing: YES ___ NO ___ 9 holes? ___ 18 holes? ___
I'm not a golfer but for $5 I'll ride in a cart and watch ___
Lunch at Bob Chinns or Twin Peaks: YES ___ NO ___ # in your party ___
^^ Do you prefer: Seafood ___ or Scantily clad American food? ___
Arrive/Play/Eat @ BG Days festival late afternoon: YES ___ NO ___
Attending Haley's/Midnight (9 PM) Concert: YES ___ NO ___
additional comments:
Sunday September 1:
IHOP Breakfast with the group? YES ___ NO ___
Arriving 10 AM for Himm2's Party Shindig: YES ___ NO ___
At 12:30 Himm2 will grill up Hot Dogs, Buns, condiments, soft drinks, chopped salad & chips for 36 people and a Beer for 24 people
I prefer placing a Jet's Pizza order: __ topping request: __
I will bring a dish or dessert to pass: (type): __
or I will bring some beverages: (type): __
or I will make a tip/donation: YES ___ NO ___ Don't know yet ___
I'm game to participate in: Volleyball __ minigolf __ croquet __ Haley DVD viewing __ Hula Hoop contest __ Serenade for Haley __ chatting & eating __ Hot Tub __ Listen Up Karaoke __ Name That Tune __
Arriving after the late Lunch for Himm2's Party Shindig: YES ___ NO ___
Also coming with me: ___ leave blank if no one
Attending "American English" (Beatles) Concert BG Days followed by fireworks: YES ___ NO ___
additional comments:
Monday September 2 (Labor Day):
Late Breakfast at Rise & Dine YES ___ NO ___
Need a ride to: Ohare ___ Midway ___ Train ___ (Himm2 can drive you)
additional comments: