(07-19-2013, 08:08 PM)Himm2 Wrote: Well mnb...if you could wing a double do$e of Haley you would not only meet the Reinhart crew but I've also invited all of the Midnight Band members and Harry's Duet partner Peter Quinn and they all want to come to the Sunday Shindig! Harry & Peter moved their pre-gig meal to my table tonight and had dinner with me. Then after their first set at Las Palmas Harry sat down with me again for a nice chat.
This open mic night was an improptu thing where Patti was thinking of going and when Haley said she wanted to also, Harry couldn't say No even though they were all dead-tired from the Milwaukee events the night before. I gave Harry a DVD for them and one to give to Haley, who will be in town for a few more days.
(07-19-2013, 11:03 PM)midnightblues Wrote: The truck has a 30 gal tank it has a range of 325 miles per tank I drive 625 miles a day gas is 3.55 per gal and it gets 8 miles per Gal. well maybe 200.00 a day crap I did the math wrong but it is a shit load of money. And im pulling a car. The closer to Ca I get the more Gas prices will be. Gaaaa
Hey midnight, yeah, gas prices are out of control here, how far along are you now in your travels?