RE: One of Haley's unreleased tracks is on Christina Grimmie's new album
I have to say when I listen to the song, it seems like Haley strains during the choruses a bit, and I have often wondered if she didn't pick it for her album because she thought it'd be too hard on her throat to sing it every night.
Still, I love the song, and it's ingrained in my head and heart with Haley's voice. I will be so happy for Haley if it becomes a hit.
I will however, give a little nod to my inner 2 year old who really, REALLY wants Haley to be a smash hit for the exact same reasons Tusk gave. I could tattoo on my forehead, "See, I told you Haley was going to be a huge superstar!!" That's probably not a wise tattoo to get, but I would be shouting from the rafters, for sure!!