(08-07-2013, 03:30 PM)john Wrote: I was glad to see Christina acknowledge Haley. It sort of satisfies or at least diffuses the concerns expressed and generates some good will. Ms. Grimmie is no doubt quite savvy to the ways of the web. And I bought my copy of the song from iTunes.
When I listened to the live version my first thought was about how much this song really needs solid background vocals.
haha Yes, I didn't want to mention it on my own but the live version got to be excruciating.. no fault whatsoever to Christina.
I can't blame the poor guitar player who evidently does back ups for her... I can't imagine many songs demand quite so much (a lot of empty air if trying for a minimalist version) and that much falsetto... from a guitarist first.. and a guy, being forced to imitate HALEY .. poor guy.
..... I give him a A+ for a game effort but, unfortunately despite the best intentions the result (back ups) was an F --- he took one class but was given a final for a class he was never expected to enroll in.
He does not sing the vocals on the album .
Haley's voice seems to be in one of the earlier back up chorus' but from my careful listening I'm pretty sure Christina' backs herself up in one key section and... I'm not sure if it is possible.. but I think they may have blended Christina and Haley's voices in most back-up sections beyond the one early in the song (might be the second instance not the first) which sounds clearly like Haley to me.
Miguel brought up a second point. "What would Christina's performance be without Haley guiding the way? "
Probably so forgettable that it wouldn't even have made the album. Yet... ... well what would any song be worth without the intricacies of the melody/score
Clearly Christina takes on many of Haley's "licks" and intonations.
Haley did write the song... if it were classical music, all the grace notes and runs would be part of the score. I'd imagine that part of forming the song is one of the important aspects of Haley's writing credit ... I'm sure she helps with lyrics as well.. but it is lyrics and melody together that make the song. The melody is more than a bare bones electronic midi tone.
I'm not sure where the line is but I imagine that those "ad libs" are considered far more part of the actual "work" in the first incarnation than successive alterations would be.
Points of contention : Some article linked on this site referred to the arguments and lawsuits by band members who felt they were instrumental (sorry for the pun) in developing the song with their bass lines, or guitar licks (if the guitarist wasn't one of the official "writers" ). The solo's and rhythms are such signature elements of many rock songs that a version without them sounds like a 're-writing' of a song.
How important are the Guitar solo to "hotel California" ? Perhaps it is 90% but people might argue. The guitarist Felder .. did write the song and recieved credits for it, but he shared some portion of them with the lead singer who made adjustments .... evidently what portion of what songs has been enough to break up bands.
Here is a short forum thread with a few good lines in it: