RE: Miley Cyrus' VMA performance
I thought pop stars of my generation were better, but I also thought I was just being biased. Then I saw this. She compared herself to Britney earlier. No. Brit's not a singer either, but she actually owned her sexuality and was a performer. She knew the line, maybe stuck a foot over the line..she didn't act like that. (in her prime, pre break down.)
And then Justin Timberlake decided to show everyone what talent looks like.
Gaga's still pretty entertaining at least. But I like old school Gaga. She used to have a subtle message/point to what she was doing. And if you didn't get it, than too bad for you. Old school Gaga I could break down and show people why she was talented. Now it's clearly just for attention.
And Katy Perry is adorable.