RE: Miley Cyrus' VMA performance
It's a talent level thing.
Britney can/could dance and put on a performance. People always said Britney lacked talent, but that wasn't true. She was an entertainer, a performer..a dancer. And she was a fantastic one. Watch Britney's "Oops I Did It Again" VMA performance versus this Miley mess.
Same as Madonna and Gaga and Katy. (Although I don't think I'd ever consider Katy trashy. She's more of the "look at the cute sexual innuendo I'm making. TeeHee* type, to be honest.)
I don't have a problem with "trashy"'s just there has to be more too it than just the trashiness. And quite frankly, Britney, Gaga, Katy, and Madonna are four women who understood their sexuality, and own it. Something Haley actually does (although she doesn't take it as far as Britney, Madonna, or Gaga do. It's hard to tell with she's sort of cartoony.)
I agree that Miley was attempting to start her grown up image. She just doesn't know what that is. She isn't a good dancer/performer. She isn't a good song writer (as I don't believe she writes them) and she isn't a good singer. Jury is out on whether she's a business woman like Madonna and Gaga, but seems like she's taking the "all attention is good attention" mantra.