(08-27-2013, 07:52 PM)john Wrote: By Camille Paglia Aug. 27, 201387
Unfortunately, the media spotlight so cheaply won by Cyrus will inevitably spur repeats of her silly stunt, by her and others. Image and profile now rule the music industry. At a time when profits are coming far more from touring than from CD sales, performers are being hammered too early into a marketable formula for cavernous sports venues. With their massive computerized lighting and special-effects systems, arena shows make improvisation impossible and stifle the natural rapport with the audience that performers once had in vaudeville houses and jazz clubs. There is neither time nor space to develop emotional depth or creative skills.
....and people wonder why Haley hasn't gone all in to try to be the Super Mega POP Star. The above is what would have awaited her. "make improvisation impossible and stifle the natural rapport with the audience".....
better to follow your heart and let your instincts be your guide...