^ Let me just start off with a giant Captain Dinkens Haley Yell...
Himm...this is going to be one helluva shindig. It looks like the golf is not happening and that is ok. We just got back home tonight from the lake, after 12 days with the grandgirls...and are totally spent. We could use a sleep-in on Saturday 8/31. However, we are yours to help in anyway you can think of with getting ready for all the Haliens if you need help with prep...whatever.
It's all good...and we really appreciate the efforts you and your wife are making. Tomorrow I will head to NE Minneapolis, for the Kramarczuk's Ukrainian sausage (served proudly at Target Field, home of the Twins, only $7.50/sausage)...hand hold it to Chicago and give it a little Chi-town grilling. Oh, this is going to be good...and you can't taste that on a video.
It's party time in Chicago...