(08-28-2013, 07:36 PM)buzzenator Wrote: Himm...this is going to be one helluva shindig. It looks like the golf is not happening and that is ok.
Sleep is really overrated Buzz, when it comes to Haley...isn't that right Tusk? I really didn't wanna cancel golf even if it's just you & I with Kathy as our cheerleader, especially with two free passes that we can use. You guys can take a nap before Chinns if you want but I'm still golfing 9 holes and I need help with my Yell when I sink a hole-in-one!
Are you guys up for the Seadog view of Chicago from Lake Michigan Friday Night? I'm pretty sure I can get a discount from my semi-bro-in-law's daughter who is reservations director for the Lakefront boats that her dad used to be part owner of.
Who still needs a map of events that is coming? Message me.