(09-04-2013, 09:13 PM)NUG Wrote: I do wonder what Harry would think of Haley???
(09-05-2013, 05:25 AM)Himm2 Wrote: MAE - Please answer what you think the new judges would say.
Well, first of all, I think both Keith and Harry would recognize and appreciate the unique qualities of Haley's voice.
Remember that every song that the Beatles ever wrote/performed is Keith's first or second
favorite song, so once he learned of Haley's passion for the Beatles, those two would just click! I can imagine Haley singing some Beatles tune, and Keith would either be singing along with her or by his facial expressions, we would see how delighted he was with what he was hearing -- or maybe the combination of both.
Harry is a harder read -- and given what he told the contestants he mentored this year, I kind of wonder how he's dealing with auditions. (I recall hearing that the auditioners are advised to "show what they can do" and they only have 30 seconds, so they tend to throw all their vocal tricks into that short time frame. Harry, the mentor, wouldn't like that.) I think how Harry would react to Haley would largely depend on what she was singing and how many vocal tricks she was using. If she was singing something from her jazz "bag" such as
Song for My Father, I think that Harry would be completely on board. But if she were singing her
Oh Darlin' audition from a few years back, I'm not sure how enthusiastic he would be. In either case, I believe he would love the quality of her voice.