(09-07-2013, 07:33 AM)NUG Wrote: I think there are a few (probably more than that actually) types of Jazz fans. My good friend who was a Jazz major in college, who I expected to drool over Haley when I showed her GBTC with Irvin Mayfield, didn't like it at all. She didn't like the way Haley sang "child" and how it progressively got more "distorted" until the end of the song- she said it made her crazy, along with the growling during the song, basically all of the extra touches Haley adds that I adore. She did say the scatting at the end was "ok" lol, but overall didn't like it, she said Haley added way too many tricks for it to be enjoyable. That is what I think Harry would say. I really like it when Jazz gets dirty with those extras that bring surprise to an old song.
Edit to add: we don't discuss Haley anymore so that we can save our friendship. I almost blew a gasket when she didn't like her AT ALL. She was, however, my only friend who "liked" I Hear You Knockin' by Fats that I posted on my wall from last week.
Gulp .... I have learned -- the hard way, of course -- that one must never, ever, ever, ever, ever say the slightest thing that might considered "critical" of Haley in this forum. Such is the nature of her fans. Personally, I don't agree with that, because I don't think that she'll continue to grow if all she ever hears is that she can do no wrong.
There are some things that I would agree with your friend. To this day, I still can't fathom why Haley pronounced the word "child" as "chee --ild." And she did. There are other ways to extend that word, without the mispronunciation/distortion that she used. Enunciation is one of things that Haley really could and should work on. (As example, if she enunciated better, maybe those at the most recent Vegas stint would have heard "Mr. PC," rather than "ABC.")
On the other hand and while I've been somewhat critical of that performance here, I have also come to realize that some, if not most, of my criticism is probably due to the recording, and less to the musicianship. And then, I feel uncomfortable, because Casey was smart enough to capture that performance with what technology he had available -- his phone. Had he not done that, the rest of us would have never known about that amazing performance.