Note from Miguel: This was split from the BGD thread.
I would again like to express my appreciaton to Miguel and all the hard working Haliens who sacrifice time, talents & moola keeping Haley persona grata. There are so many of you trying to keep her name out there, it is really touching. A special thanks to Tusk, and crew, who put the "Haley Midnight" concert on line for all to enjoy. Which I did today.
I've mentioned before that Haley brought me back to music, but not all music; mostly just Haley with a few others sprinkled here and there. Casey, Dia Frampton, Siobhan Magnus, Brooke White & old standards are the only ones found on my ipod. Well except for Chintina Perri's "Jar of Hearts" & Christina Grimmie's "Get Yourself Together" & Bet You Don't Curse God."
Today, spending an ample share of idle time, I found a Utube video with snippets of the top 50 pop songs of 2012. Knowing none of Haley's amazing songs would be featured I decided to see just what was the "hot stuff" last year with the in group. After enduring, with a couple of exceptions, 50 musical platitudes, the saliency of Haley's career stagnation is so obvious.
Perhaps many of you are familier with the deceased comedian George Carlin, if so, you have probably watch the routine where he talks about a giant club that "you and I" are not in. Well there is such a club in the music industry & all, if not, almost all, of the top 50ers are in the club.
Haley is not in the club & she doesn't want to be, its dark there. I think she's been exposed to it. I think she's been recuited & I think if she joined she would go strait to the top. I could elaborate, I've noticed a few signs the club has placed in Haley's path to try to entice her into their spider web. I say no more because I'm not sure how Miguel will feel about what I have already written.
If you join that club you do as your handlers dictate, Miley Cyrus as the latest example. If you don't you remain obscure, like maybe, having a tour booking agency that doesn't book, while everyone wonders why!