RE: What is your favorite Live Haley performance?
I've probably said it before somewhere, but, for me, one of my all time favorite live moments was when Haley sang I Who Have Nothing on the show. I mean, the whole build-up to the song was even part of it. Haley got picked apart and humiliated by Randy, even driven to tears (not to mention having her wardrobe moment spoiled by being called out early for that extra salt in the wound moment). And then, not only did she come out and sing one of her most emotionally charged performances, but she knocked it out of the park! I gotta tell ya, when she did that little gasp at the end I got choked up and teary eyed. I even jumped up and cheered and clapped with my own little standing O. What a totally vindicating moment that was. Whew! Take THAT Randy! LOL.