RE: Wardrobe/Photoshoot Tweets
When Haley was first signed to Interscope my first concern was for her to get a reputable entertainment attorney to be able to walk her through the legalities and complexities of a recording contract. One thing that is extremely important and that is that her attorney is able to negotiate a sizable royalty , because everything comes out of the royalties usually new artist are in the 10% range. I just hope she was able to negotiate something between 12 and 15%. One good thing to and that Haley has her parents to give their opinions and advice. I'm quite sure that their radar antennas are in full position to monitor anything suspicious. After being in the business for 30 years, Harry and Patty no some reputable people who can also give advice and can detect when suspicious activity is present. One more responsibility of an entertainment lawyer is to make sure that their clients get a sizable upfront fee, able to cover costs living expenses ect ect. Because of this might be the only money that Haley sees for quite some time. So Dina seems like she is very legitimate and geared to the success of her clients (Haley).
There is also a website called( how things that explain in detail how a recording contract works.