Although I consider myself to be one of the most open minded, liberal people I know this Sinead/Miley incident has struck a nerve. Perhaps it is because as a society we are being so manipulated by the media while still choosing to believe we have freedom of choice...
In my 20's I was a fairly attractive young lady and I liked to wear crop tops with my Levis. However, I found that I was bombarded with inappropriate comments from males. My solution to these unwanted comments was to change my attire and the suggestive comments stopped. This was before all the racy advertisement we see today.
It is my contention that young people who have grown up with advertisements that scream money and sex have done a tremendous disservice to our young people, both male and female. Our values are being shaped by ad executives whose bottom line is revenue.
Miley grew up in this ad/commercial environment so she had a difficult time seeing that she has been manipulated her entire life. And Sinead wanted to make a difference but her intentions were misunderstood by society and as a result she has suffered with mental health demons.
Personally I could care less about another's moral compass, I would just like to hope that ones' values do not come from being brainwashed by the media. Discernment is cultivated by a respect for oneself as well as others...