My Collection of Reinhart Family Autographs is complete! Angie signed her Music Video & Family photo for me where she works as I had lunch. I was taking my car in for a simple oil change at Stacek Chevy next door to Angie's restaurant and when I pulled out of my driveway I smashed my taillight into the garbage can at the end of my driveway, busting the taillight assembly. So my simple $20 bill will now be many hundreds of dollars.
I've lost accurate count of all the Reinhart autographs but I think I have:
1 Angela Reinhart
2 Patti Reinharts
3 Harry Reinharts
and well over a dozen Haley Reinharts.
Notice the top of the "A" of Angela is cut off??... that part is permanently on the cover of the menu that she signed it on top of.