(12-09-2013, 10:31 PM)lauraliz Wrote: The post talked about them generating big itunes sales. I was curious so I watched most of it--but didn't make it all the way through. It's seemed really fake to me. overkill--takes the excitement away-- at least for me.
There was an incongruity with her playing a piano covered by candles while wearing a somewhat formal dress and false eyelashes while he performed wearing a t-shirt and knit cap. I probably watched less of it than you did.
Quote:The great thing about Haley & Casey was that it really did happen organically. They met on the show. They discovered their musical connection behind the scenes and eventually it showed up on stage.
Yes, there was a musical chemistry.
I can agree with mercfan's observation to a point:
Quote:Sierra has a much more "appealing" tv personality than Haley does. Haley's confident. Sierra is insecure on stage.
I liked A&S when I saw their audition. Sierra's nervousness was endearing. But I've hardly watched the show and I'm tired of the formula of "Ohh, Sierra's nervous. Ahh, they're so much in love."
I much prefer seeing two confident performers together. Haley was battle tested. She faced stronger competition and harsher criticism and never stopped believing in herself.
Quote:I get very frustrated that these two are not getting the recognition they deserve.
Quote:The comparisons are hard to ignore, even coincidentally, that there is a market, for this type of pairing, an "America's Sweethearts" niche that needs filling?
Bums me out that A&S are receiving attention that more deservingly should go to two more talented, more organically connected, musically and viscerally connected individuals as there are in Caley
I understand this sentiment. I have the sense that Simon is going to push A&S a lot after the show, "The next Sony and Cher!"
I also feel if there is a market void to be filled by male/female duo that Haley and Casey should be the ones to do it. They have more musical chemistry/combined talent and the name "Haley and Casey" rolls off the tongue so easily.