I was actually pleasantly surprised, in the age of Twitter and news spreading faster than you can speak it, that, for the most part, it was kept under wraps....
Regardless of how you feel about Chiara the person,as Haley's manager, or what went on w/ 19, to anyone who have seen them together, they would see that she is also Haley's friend. I would hate to think that Chiara was fired and she not only had to deal w/ what to do next, but having the news come out before she was prepared for it. As it turned out, it looks like she had things lined up and has landed on her feet....
I guess in the end, when this kind of info comes around, a decision had to be made what to do with it. I admit that there are other circumstances greater than my opinion of Chiara that made it prudent to keep this under wraps.... It still is worthwhile to note that in this day and age, something like this can be kept out of social media for this long