RE: X-Factor 2013
Babbs, Alex and Sierra seem to have a fairly large fan club. I am not one of that fan club, but I can't deny that the fan club was enough to get them the win.
Their future success will be determined by a number of things. Currently we know that they've been able to perform fairly decent arrangements of songs largely selected by Simon (or Simon's minions). Whoever did that song selection, for the most part, did a good job. As they move forward, they will be in charge of that selection. Will they be as good at picking material that works for them and that will be relevant/marketable?
Secondly, Sierra displayed an amazing arc of vocal improvement. But, as a contestant on the show, she probably had a great deal of vocal coaching. That coaching ended sometime before "showtime" last night. So unless she pays for vocal lessons herself, her singing efforts may return to the level she was at when the show started. While I don't mean to sound unkind (although I imagine it will come across that way), to me Alex's talent is only somewhat above average, and of the two, he's the more talented. Sooner or later, the A&S audience may wake up to that.
Finally, there is their much touted "chemistry." Recently (was it just a couple of weeks ago?) there was comparison of them to Haley and Casey. Fortunately, that comparison abated shortly after it arose, because it really wasn't a good similarity.
However, today I saw a mention of a comparison that fits better (like a glove) to me: Donnie and Marie. Granted the sister/brother relationship isn't the "lover" relationship, but the individual who made this analogy (on Slezak's TVLine), is thinking of the "cheesy" factor. Some (and I am one) just don't find the "lovey dovey" act to be compelling, cute, or believable. And, frankly, Donnie and Marie are better singers and entertainers. So, if the A&S fans start realizing that, will their fans stick with them? I don't know the answer to that, and neither do you; only time will tell.
If Alex and Sierra are successful, it will only prove once again how minimal (at best) talent gets rewarded (think Rihanna), and the better/best often does not. And that saddens, offends, and sickens me.