RE: New York Times: "Baby It's Cold Outside"
It is a fun/flirty Christmas song.
I think there's a lot of push and pull with conversations about women's issues and our current culture (which existed when the song was written too.).
I don't think there's anything wrong with the song. Heck, I love that song. And I don't think the lyric was meant to imply that the male lead drugs the female lead. (Although, I also don't think that Blurred Lines was about rape either.)
What I do think, is that there is a lot of feminist conversations going on about why this "no means yes" idea is demonstrative of something wrong in our culture. The above two songs play with that idea. I'd certainly argue that both writers intentions of the song was that the girl really does mean yes. But there are issues with that as well. (Not sure we want to break this down into a feminist conversation. If we all decided to demonize everything that had negative implications towards women either on its own or because of our culture..there wouldn't be much left. )