I remember back in S10, I would often scan the various Idol sites for comments on that night's episode of AI from East coast viewers (I was unaware of Twitter, at all, just getting into posting on the web), I couldn't wait 3 hours to see it on the West Coast.
For some reason, I remember one particular poster just yukked it up about Haley's performance of BATJ.... She made a point to guffaw at the way Haley extended the S's at the end of "Jetssssssss". "Just awful" She posted...
I finally accepted that I liked Haley waaaay more than my initial favorites, James and Lauren. To hear this mocking critique, a sense of dread that I've finally gone all in w/ Haley, for her to crash and burn.... Of course that changed once I saw the performance and the ensuing praise that followed
Now that I think of it, the memories that are most emotionally indelible in my mind, were all the times I thought, Haley was down for the count. Full count, 2 outs, final game. She was done. Then she would swing away and.... ooooy yeahhh
The other times I have strong memories of that season included You and I, when
everybody, pre-show, said it was a mistake to perform an unknown song, HOTRS and, of course, "Earth Song"
I Who have Nothing, was just pure drama, a surpassing of preconception and expecttation to spectacular effect...