RE: WSJ: Radio's Answer to Spotify? Less Variety
As Mega media companies consolidate, there is a dumbing down of options and variety. We've seen this in cable TV, where they are just as profitable running nonsensical reality TV that doesn't challenge intellect. We see 'relatable' but Extreme personalities on the most popular shows, Sugar and empty nutrition for the brain, which is fine with TPTB. A population that doesn't challenge itself, feeds itself on transparent mental fodder, is easier to coerce and manipulate.
Although, I would not be surprised if there will be an eventual push back, a reaction (over reaction?) to the status quo.
That's one of my 'fall backs' trying to figure out what Haley is doing. I see the pitfalls in following the well worn paths by other artists and the outcome, usually longevity in the industry, being the least likely outcome of all those who attempt it.
It makes it seem more plausible, to me, that she is not content w/ following that path. I have hope that she is exploring other options than the one she sees laid out, that that is not the only way, and she is young enough, open enough, to try them out.