RE: Haley's International aPPEAL
Not long after "Undone" launched on YouTube a male singer from Australia posted a very complimentory statement about Haley & the song. I clicked on his site and was blown away by his talent, Seeing that he is obscure, even in his own land, I told him how impressed I was & that I hoped he would find some of the sucess Haley was starting to enjoy. He replied, telling me how he is mesmerised by Haley's talent & that his wildest dream in life is to someday sing with her. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy listening to some of the talent thats in Haley's camp. If he rings your bell & you would like to send him a word of encouragement I know he would like to "read" from you. I think Haley would be impressed as well. He recently posted accolade's again on the 51 min Caley Stage-it clip under Jarrod Hawn, "Ridiculously talented, charismatic and hilarious! They need to make an album together"
Thank you Miguel