(02-08-2014, 11:06 PM)ISCAT4HALEY Wrote: I watched the “Nurse” movie...I didn’t hear “Oh My!” at all unless somehow I missed it or there is another version.
We've made a formal recommendation that you be awarded the Halien Medal of Valor.
(02-09-2014, 10:45 AM)Himm2 Wrote: It might be that Rob Kleiner got it wrong or it was a scene that was left on the cutting room floor.
(02-09-2014, 01:07 PM)Miguel Wrote: Since this was an obscure movie he mentioned far in advance, I'm sure it was the latter. His post could be read as implying he heard about it "via Haley Reinhart." She likely would have heard about it through Ole or Interscope (they have a publishing arm, too).
Rob Kleiner's original Facebook mention of this in the late fall of 2012 has been deleted. I should have heeded ISCAT's warning instead of thinking we'll maybe the 3D version is different with "Oh My" in it rather than the 2D version ISCAT watched. The Halien Medal of Valor goes to ISCAT and I accept the Halien Medal of Stupidity.
Oh My, my $12.50 (for a 3D movie that only had 1 worthy 3D scene of scalpels flying off a hospital cart at your face) + $2.00 in tolls and about $7.50 in gas would have been better spent in the Midnight Tip Jar last night!
It did keep my interest like the guilty pleasure I had last night at PS Pub of watching two attractive lesbians dirty dancing in front of me. The movie started nearly pornographic and ended simply very graphic. When the lights came on in the theatre at the end I looked to see if I had any of the excessive blood splattered all over me. I had my camera with me and was willing to go to jail if an usher (like the one at Chicago Theatre) caught me capturing an "Oh My" scene from the copyrighted movie. The redeeming value was that the Nice Boyfriend of the Victim was named Steve and I heard my name called about 30 times in the movie. Guess I could have wasted $22 and 3 hours of my life doing something else, but my wife shoveled her side of the driveway while I was gone, so it might have been worth it. Buzz...I implied I had an appointment at noon in South Barrington so I wouldn't need horror porn permission from the General. :-)