RE: "My Story" public speaking/charity event
This thought may be better in the "Finding her own way" thread but under charity & inspiration it should be noted that all the Reinharts have an awesome attitude about life not being about how much money you make but rather about how much happiness you make. Harry, Patti, Haley & Angie all seem to be content with the joy of doing things for others, whether it's a Midnight charity concert for "Relay for Life", Tornado Relief, the High School Music & Spur club programs, etc. I think Haley sees as much importance in being inspirational through her songs & public speaking as she does making a living at it. And this also goes for Angie who now has a career goal of being a musical therapist - helping ease the burden of hospitalized patients through interactive song participation.
The more I get to know this family the more impressed I am with them sharing the meaning of life.