(02-23-2014, 05:42 PM)Miguel Wrote: Rare cover of "Oh My!" (first?)
hat tip to PJ
I believe this is from:
All sports cafe
Hangar 10, Rouen, France
![[Image: l.jpg]](http://s3-media1.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/IRnu092E0oWT2OxMqIEuow/l.jpg)
(also posted in the "inspiring others" thread)
Miguel, I appreciate this find. I wish that the sound mix had been better so that I could have heard the singer better. Perhaps it was my hearing or that I was listening on my laptop (or a combination of both), but the balance wasn't good for me. What I
could hear of the singer made me think that this was a good cover. I don't often hear that.