(04-01-2014, 02:51 PM)kaypea Wrote: I actually think that Haley's scatting is closer in tone to blues harmonica-visually that's what she was going for but at times it does sound like muted trumpet also.Whatever-it was enjoyable.
kaypea, ex-trumpet player here: I agree with you regarding the sound, and, for the record, she is singing through her hand not blowing, as one would on a trumpet, so I suggest that we need to come up with a more appropriate label. (As an ex-trumpeter, blowing through her hand conjures up all manner of "ewww'" to me. It's better "not to go there" -- trust me.)
However, her attempt to sound like an instrument (not just her singing voice, which I think of as instrument as well), her solo and "trading 2s" with Casey were terrific! They both did well on that song.
"Cake" just keeps evolving, doesn't it? Sometime ago, Tusk mentioned that Haley seems to "play around with it" (not Tusk's wording, mind you) more than "Better." It was an astute observation. If I recall correctly, this is the 3rd time that Haley and Casey have performed that song together (City Walk, StageIt, and last night) that we know of. And, it's always a little different. And, although I wasn't particularly impressed with the piano player's solo, I certainly enjoyed the little riffs he added while she was singing.
I imagine that those of you who were there had a great time!