(04-08-2014, 11:24 AM)Himm2 Wrote: The only two seasons I went to the Idol tour were 5 & our beloved season 10. (4 shows)
Interesting that 5 choices are from those two top seasons.
Next with 3 is season 6,
2 each from seasons 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, & 11.
Just 1 choice from seasons 1, 4 & 12. (No Carrie Underwood or she'd be tops)
It wouldn't let me vote again. I'd click on Haley Reinhart & "vote" but when the capcha came up to verify I got this response:
Thank you, but we have already counted your vote.
HIMM2: It did that to me too, so I decided first to copy the address (highlight it then hit CNTRL C) then close the browser (Explorer or Mozilla, I have both), then reopen it, paste the address (CNTRL V) which brings you to the voting page again, then I was able to vote again. It's a pain to close, reopen, paste but this I find is the only way. For the record
I was using Mozilla Foxfire, not Explorer...don't know if that makes a difference.