Lauraliz, Sorry but I didn't find out any new info from Casey. Remember, I was "with the band", hehe so I wasn't doggin him for info. Before the show, Penny and I were able to just walk into the theater and watch him play for his sound check. We introduced ourselves, and Penny told Casey that the Reinharts were coming to the show. that's the first he knew of it. Patti did say that had Casey called 5 minutes before, Harry could have brought his guitar with him. So I know Harry didn't bring any instruments for Casey.
Funny story...Somehow some people in the row behind us thought I was Casey's publicist or something. they were told to talk to "Barbara", and a lady introduced herself to me after the show, gave me her card. I was like, No, No, you have the wrong person. hehe
After the show, Casey signed autographs, took pictures with fans, and there were cds and tshirts for sale. They were different from the smiley face ones- these were black with a pic of a stand up bass on the front and "I'm casey and I play the bassy" written on the bottom in white. Nice
We took pics with Casey and talked with Blake Lewis. Blake was a nice young man. very polite, courteous. He was in town to judge an acapella contest at a high school (Niles West) that was close to where Casey was playing. So he came by after his gig was over.
I did ask Casey how Haley learned to play the hand trumpet. But he didn't really answer. I asked him if they had rehearsed it before the show and he said "a little". I didnt want to ask too much. Just told him I loved the show etc.