(04-09-2014, 12:06 AM)Babbs234 Wrote: Lauraliz, Sorry but I didn't find out any new info from Casey. Remember, I was "with the band", hehe so I wasn't doggin him for info. Before the show, Penny and I were able to just walk into the theater and watch him play for his sound check. We introduced ourselves, and Penny told Casey that the Reinharts were coming to the show. that's the first he knew of it. Patti did say that had Casey called 5 minutes before, Harry could have brought his guitar with him. So I know Harry didn't bring any instruments for Casey.
Thx for all the cool pics and recap Babbs! I actually meant if he happened to mention anything about future plans at dinner. (As long as he wasn't saying it in confidence). I never have asked him about future plans because it's little awkward if he doesn't have any set in stone or lined up. So, what I guess I'm trying to say is--I didn't mean if u asked him--just if he was letting people know that a new cd or something was in the works
Tusk --thanks for the link to the podcast. I think he was pretty vague on any real info. But, I guess that is the way it seems to be in the music business.