Quote:Part of Irvin's mission statement is to bring Jazz to the young.
a quote from Tusk
Quote:Irvin has noticed that the YT video of her singing with him at his club (GBTC) has far more views than any of the other videos that feature him. I'm sure he would love to broaden his exposure of his music and sell a few more records/tickets as part of this. Haley helps him a bit in that way. But it's more than just good business. Part of his mission seems to be nurturing aspiring jazz talent and Haley fits right in with that.
a quote from John
This was exactly the point that I was trying to make last fall, although I failed (fairly miserably). Mayfield brings jazz to the young through a myriad of ways.
The first way is through NOJO. An article from the Chicago thread, in an interview of Mayfield (when the train got to Chicago), he made a statement from about his own early musical experiences, which were hugely enriched by his ability to connect with, hang with, play with established jazz musicians. He established NOJO in order that future kids could have the same opportunity.
Of course, it didn't hurt that Mayfield was classmate/buddy with one of Ellis Marsalis' boys. As a further aside, I've also read that Harry Connick, Jr. learned jazz through the same process, so either this is a "yN'Orleans thing" or a "Marsalis connection thing" (Connick took lessons from Ellis Marsalis). Either way, I'm officially jealous.
As Tusk said, part of Mayfield's mission (NOJO's mission) is to bring jazz to the young. Part of the way that is done is to give young people the same opportunity that he had: playing with established musicians. (As a former private music teacher -- and always one with an educational outlook--, I can't begin to express my appreciation to Mr. Mayfield. Formal training needs to happen as well, but when one only has formal training, particularly with something like jazz, the complete connection may not happen.)
Anyway, I'm happy that Mayfield's touting Haley as an example. I'm happy that Haley's on board with being a young person bringing jazz to youth.
In truth, I'm just on board with Haley doing jazz, because she does it really well -- and, the recording (between Mayfield and Haley) is truly just a personal hope.