(05-07-2014, 04:31 PM)Himm2 Wrote: (05-07-2014, 03:00 PM)Ronzoni Wrote: looks like Haley didn't make the top 7...they're all guys.
Same old story:
FINALS: Vote for Your Favorite 'American Idol' Contestant of All Time
Bo Bice Casey James Colton Dixon Adam Lambert David Archuleta Clay Aiken Danny Gokey
The under 25 set powervotes for the heartthrobs, gay, white guys with guitars or country crooners.
Is that what it is?
Adam, I can understand... He's a consummate entertainer, vocally formidable, and personable and handsome to boot! But Casey James (yes, he's got a dazzling smile -- and Kara always wanted to see him shirtless)?? Danny Gokey??? David Archuleta???? Colton Dixon?????
Good grief!