RE: Why isn't Haley releasing any of her new music?
Hey you guys, there are a lot of interesting posts on this thread. I don't know if many of you follow Pia & Jared but, they do (or were doing - not sure which) a weekly video where they answer questions from fans. I thought their answer to Q#3, "What's the biggest misconceptions fans have about being a recording artist?" asked by our own Mr. Kenny Poo, might shed a little more light on this subject. It's from 2:15 to 6:00.
Also, in case any of you guys didn't know, both James' & Casey's contracts w/ 19 Mgmt expired earlier this month, it's probably a good bet Haley's did too. So if you're thinking it terms of 1st era/2nd era, for Haley, right around now is probably the dividing line.