(05-15-2014, 09:59 PM)mercfan3 Wrote: I would too. I don't know, but I'm going to guess that they knew Caleb when he tried out for season 10, and they hung out with Jena because she's very close with Caleb.
Funny enough, Idol alumni being close seems to actually be somewhat normal. I don't know if they hangout to the same extent that Haley and Casey do (but that's likely because of distance too..) but even last week, Melinda had Jordin and another girl from her season on Reality Check, and it was clear that they were still close.
I'll bet you're right about that, cause Haley did single Caleb out saying that "he was their buddy". So yeah, they probably knew each other before & started hanging out again, when he came back out to LA for the show. Then he introduced them to Jena & Alex... at least those 2, seems like I remember Casey saying something about a big jam session w/ quite a few of the Top 6 or 7