(05-15-2014, 10:39 PM)Tusk Wrote: (05-15-2014, 09:29 PM)30CamdenSquare Wrote: I can't believe I forgot Sheryl was a mentor during Top 5 week... Wow!! I don't think I'm old enough blame this on "having a senior moment".
Sheryl was pretty 'pivotal' to Haley' Journey, mentored her for HOTRS, 'suggested' the A capella intro (even though in Slezak's Haleyloonies, Haley said that was actually her idea
"I think people are going to be shocked when they hear her sing, she is interpreting it in a way I've never heard, and I think people are going to love it"
Furthermore, was it not said that Sheryl suggested Haley to Slash's wife, which lead to her singing "Wild Horses" with Slash and Myles Kennedy?
Posted by Haleyshindig on MJs article about Wild Horses event:
Quote:HaleysShindig yclept • 2 years ago
From what we've put together, it was two-fold. 1)Slash's wife was a Haley fan during AI and 2)Sheryl Crow was as well and both converged on Slash to get her the gig. Slash didn't seem to mind to much since he called her an "amazing vocalist"
(If you want more info, I can post the Tweets and FB sources, but thats it in a nutshell)
I remember being really happy that Sheryl seemed to favor Haley that week too. And I even remember thinking Haley reminded me of Sheryl too, so it's really weird that I blanked on that last night.
I didn't know she'd set up the performance w/ Slash. I was a little blown away when she got to do that. At that time I was thinking Haley's first record was just gonna blow up, when big respected stars in the rock community, like Sheryl, Slash & Myles Kennedy, seemed to be saying, "We like this one. Let her in."
(05-15-2014, 10:55 PM)Miguel Wrote: I know Casey exchanged tweets with Caleb and Alex this season -- at different times -- suggesting they get together and jam.
As for the other Idols, I know Sam tweeted about hanging out with Casey and Haley and the others. Jessica was alone in her room then watching TV.
I couldn't remember which ones. I just remember that being around Top 6 or Top 7 week. Sam sounds right, I was thinking CJ for some reason. I didn't remember if they'd hung out w/ Jessica or not.