Mark Ballas been promoting his own music while accompanied by Dylan Chambers. It's possible they were rehearsing for that and Haley just happened to be there. I notice he's followed on Twitter by both Haley and Casey. Wouldn't be surprised if they've all jammed together before given Casey's propensity to set up jam sessions.
In any case, the gig at the Crustacean is surely what the rehearsal was for. 4 hours long? Looks like there will be multiple performers (see below).
The Crustacean describes itself on Twitter as: "Where young Hollywood and power players meet to eat. "
Pia, Lee DeWyze and Taylor Dane all recently played there at what they call #RedHour:
Quote: Retweeted by Crustacean
Jared Lee @jaredleemusic · May 30
#Redhour at @crustaceanbh playing some songs w/ @piatoscano see you next Wednesday #jammsessions
Quote: Crustacean @CrustaceanBH · May 28
We can't enuf of ur luv and u @taylor_dayne @CrustaceanBH #redhour @Ciroc @thr @billboard @MyxFusions
Quote: Crustacean @CrustaceanBH · May 28
#RedHour is back @CrustaceanBH great lineup of live music 2nite including favorites from @americanidol @NBCTheVoice
Quote: Retweeted by Crustacean
Lee DeWyze @LeeDeWyze · May 29
Had a great time last night. Great people, great music. A big thanks to @CrustaceanBH @THR @billboard @Ciroc @MyxFusions #RedHour
1 week ago · AN | Crustacean Beverly Hills
? @crustaceanbh A little fun w @macygrayslife & #JoniMitchell after the #jamsessions #redhour #wednesdays #thehollywoodreporter #billboard
Quote:Crustacean @CrustaceanBH · May 22
Thanks to all the performers who made the premiere of #RedHour a total success! @MacysGraysLife @TheGoldenPhoenix @PiaToscano @jaredleemusic
2 weeks ago
#RedHour @crustaceanbh @duoofficial
Quote: Crustacean's Red Hour: A Color-Coded Happy Hour (Cocktail Recipe)
By Barbara Hansen
Wed, May 21, 2014 at 8:00 AM
...Don't try to get in if you don't have an invitation. Only 60 considered sufficiently elite will be admitted. Miffed that you're not on the list? Never mind. Red Hour will be open to the public starting Thursday and thereafter Monday through Friday. The only day you can't go is Wednesday, which will remain exclusive.
This means you'll miss Wednesday's hot live music series, which continues for six weeks. And you won't see the lounge turn into a red light zone, or the bar and aquarium turn red, which happens only on Wednesdays. But you won't miss everything. You'll still get to taste Crustacean chef Helene An's new lounge menu, which has snazzy dishes just for Red Hour, and a couple of bright red cocktails.
Still upset? Shhhhh - there's a way that you might sneak in on Wednesdays. You can post a photo of yourself on Twitter wearing anything red with the hashtag #RedHour @CrustaceanBH.