Quote:Theone @TheoneMusic
@MarkBallas and @HaleyReinhart put on a great show! Everyone who played tonight was fantastic! @CrustaceanBH pic.twitter.com/5NRuaHOTy0
^ Has 10,200 followers. She followed Haley and CrustaceanBH on May 16th.
She plays the harp and guitar, and sings.
YT channel:
Quote: Theone @TheoneMusic · 24h
OH MY GOD @MarkBallas just said hi to me in the liquor store. #myfirstcrush #onlyinLA #markballas #getmyname
Quote: Mark Ballas @MarkBallas · 23h
@TheoneMusic good meetin ya.. Playing at Crustacean tmrw 9646 S Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 come down music from 4-8pm