Quote:BC Jean @BCJean 1h
Such a rad night jamming with these talented friends! @markballas @haleyreinhart @caseybassy… http://instagram.com/p/pJyYI-zYuq/
Getting to know BC Jean might be a good thing for Haley. She scored a hit as a rather obscure songwriter/singer. I wonder home much money she has received from IIWAB.
Quote:Toby (Gad) and I were walking around Times Square,' she says, 'and there was an amazing smell coming from this pizzeria. I was doing the diet thing and was like, 'Mmm, you smell that? If I were a boy, I would totally eat that.' And he said, 'What did you say?' And I said, 'I wish I were a boy so I could eat pizza and popcorn and wear baggy clothes.' He asked me what else I would do and I said, 'I'd be a better man than my ex-boyfriend,' and he was like, 'How would you sing it, BC'? We went back to the studio, I came up with the lyrics and melody, and it was just one of those honest, emotional songs that came out quickly, in less than 30 minutes. It's such a simple song, but it's very honest and I think that's why it works. The new single 'Just A Guy' is sort of the sequel to it, learning to just accept the guy for who he is, even if I wish he were different. The sad bitter song followed by the 'oh well, he's just a guy, whatever. I look at it this way. Every song I write about a guy who disappoints me brings me closer to the one I'm going to marry!'