All right MissMAE this is what I got out of this, first of all he knows his craft and he knows his instrument very well, well schooled and to me well disciplined. He has a very impressive resume, what caught me was that he played with Robin Ford and Larry Carlton two of the great icons in the jazz world. Also what really got me to listen more carefully and that is he doesn't just play notes, he has a five string bass so he adds a little bit of scales to his playing, not just note per note.He has some cool riffs and bass lines .I would like to hear him play with the band but I'm sure by listening to his little sample that he is more than adequate. A bass guitars the backbone of any band you can get away with with not playing drums but a bass guitar really sets the tone, especially in a acoustic environment, one flat top guitar and bass guitar is a pretty good little gig. Also playing a five string bass also gives you that extra string which you can go a lot lower with. I noticed Casey has been playing a five string bass a little more. So the guys good real good.