(07-06-2014, 08:33 PM)mercfan3 Wrote: I resisted Lana for a while too. In fact, for a while, every time I heard "Summertime Sadness" I wanted to shoot the radio. (Played way too much) But I read that apparently that is actually a remix. It was reluctant, but after hearing the actual version of "Summertime Sadness" I listened to a few songs, and by the time I got to "Blue Jeans" it was "Crap..I think I like her." And although her voice isn't particularly great (she's more of a lyricist.) I hear the influence in phrasing and some of the sound choices. Maybe "Video Games" would be the best example.
It didn't help that I saw Lana as the..artist that interscope chose over Haley. They both released music at the same time..Lana was pushed, Haley put on the back burner. (Not really surprising given the type of female artists Interscope can sell..but I still noticed it.)
So she's ceratianly not at the top of my favorite artists list, she was someone who I saw as being influenced (like I said, mostly because of her phrasing and note choices) as opposed to someone like Ariana Grande who is a better singer (much better) but is influenced by pop, "divas" (not really a genre but I don't know what to call it) and R&B
And like I said, it's an "influence" thing. There are a lot of artists, like Gaga for example, that are influenced by jazz (although, I can clearly hear it in her voice) but it only slightly shows up in their music...it seems like I have a tendency to be drawn to artists that have that influence.
Spencer has a really nice..smooth voice. But yea, it does seem to be the old "crooner" style.
His style may seem "crooner," but that's a result of his voice and pay attention to his lyrics. He's today's version of Cole Porter, Ira Gershwin, and Lorenz Hart combined. And. That. Speaks. Volumes! One of the songs, (
25), on his Vagabond album (I don't believe you can find a YouTube recording of this), has this lyric in it:
"When you're 25, it's the best damn year of your life,
but you're still a jerk, you'll never find work, or a wife."
One doesn't often hear rhymes within lines such as this one, particularly sarcastic ones. And, while Spencer's voice will always have that "crooner" sound, because that's what his voice is/does, there is nothing of the "crooner" nature related to this song. It's intense, testosterone driven, and he does some great piano playing on it (I think -- there's also another keyboardist, and I'm not certain who's playing the crashing/driving triplets that I love in one spot). Oddly, it's one of my faves on that CD.